For when the One Great Scorer comes To write against your name, He marks-not that you won or lost- But how you played the game. -Grantland Rice

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Eventful Evenings

As I gathered to write another account of my belief,
to confide into machine and feel light,
to talk to the world through the interface of virtual space

-with the dusk not many hours away
and sunlight beckoning everyone to the resplendent west-

without an invitation or permission,
nor as much as an intimation-
it flew past my unaware head as if to trim the hair further.

Before I got a sense of its presence,
it had began carving the glass at the wondow
for yet another outlet into the vastness outside.

Fear thrust me towards the door
and courage allowed me a look at its Puritan greys from the distance.

The twirled beak and two-pronged tail were enough
to distinguish my guest from the (defaulting) tenants of the bathroom.

Hard as it was to believe its presence in the vicinity,
It was true that there was a jungle out there.
And in here too.

Tired? Angry? Scared? Confused?
or was it simply lost?

From my hiding place outside
I saw the mate-
waiting, searching, wondering why its fellow had chosen to descend to that manly lowness.

The wait for both outsiders lasted not more than 2 minutes.
But took me half an hour to document!


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